Emergent Partners With SSAI on HBG Support Services Contract

Emergent Space Technologies, Inc. was awarded a subcontract by Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI) of Lanham, Maryland for the Hydrosphere, Biosphere and Geophysics (HBG) Support Services contract at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The HBG contract is used by GSFC to acquire scientific research services that conceives, develops and applies space, field-deployed and laboratory based technologies and observations to address issues of importance to society, including water resources, land and ocean ecosystems, health, global and regional sea level change, natural hazards, changes in the Earth’s cryosphere, gravity field, magnetic field, solid Earth, topography, reference frames, and the effects of climate change on life on Earth. The HBG contract began April 1st, 2020 and has a 5-year year period of performance and a $425M contract ceiling.

Under the subcontract, Emergent provides Earth Science missions such as ICESAT-1, ICESat-2, GEDI, LAGEOS, Jason-2 and GRAIL with precise orbit determination (POD) solutions using GPS, DORIS doppler and SLR tracking systems, including tracking data evaluation and calibration services. Emergent also provides software development and maintenance support for GEODYN, GSFC’s geodetic parameter estimation and precision orbit determination software. Emergent also delivers operational support and software maintenance for ICESat-2’s Constrained Attitude Monitoring System (CAMS), which is responsible for scheduling science and instrument activities to avoid interfering with orbit maintenance maneuvers. CAMS also screens for potential ICESat-2 laser and/or proximity conjunctions with other satellites. Emergent will also deliver systems engineering for the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory and is tasked to maintain the hardware and software systems associated with the Instrument Support Facility (ISF). “Emergent is proud to partner with SSAI on the HBG contract. We are excited to offer our expertise in software development, satellite POD and systems engineering in support of NASA Goddard’s Earth Science missions,” stated Jaime Kline, Emergent’s Director of Technical Services.