Emergent Awarded Subcontract on NASA Goddard Systems Engineering Contract

Greenbelt, MD, September 3, 2015 – ATS, a Joint Venture between Alcyon and SGT, was awarded the Systems Engineering Advanced Services (SEAS) contract by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The SEAS contract will provide mission and instrument systems engineering services at NASA Goddard. The contract, valued at $188 million, has a 5-year period of performance. Companies supporting ATS include Emergent Space Technologies Inc., Orbital ATK, ASRC Federal, Stellar Solutions, PPI Aerospace and Bay Engineering Innovations. Emergent will provide NASA GSFC with systems engineering support in the following SEAS Statement of Work elements: General Study Services, Candidate Study Services, Preliminary Analysis Study Services as well as Instrument Systems Technology Services, Software Systems Technology Services and Systems Technology Services.