Emergent Awarded Subcontract by Jacobs for GNC Support at NASA JSC

September, 2021

Emergent Space Technologies, Inc. was awarded a subcontract by Jacobs on the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Engineering, Technology and Science (JETS) contract to support NASA on groundbreaking space missions. JETS supports JSC’s Engineering Directorate and Exploration, Integration and Science Directorate to provide integrated engineering design, testing and verification supporting NASA's Artemis program and other missions.

Jacobs supports the Orion Crew Capsule, the new Gateway orbital outpost, a new generation spacesuit and will continue to provide important support to the International Space Station, supporting commercial cargo missions, on-orbit operations, and commercial crew program efforts. Science programs include astromaterials curation, basic research in planetary science, Earth science, orbital debris mitigation, and the integration of science into exploration missions.

As a subcontractor to Jacobs, Emergent will provide flight software design, development and implementation as well as guidance, navigation and control (GN&C) services for JSC programs such as Commercial Crew and Gateway. “Emergent is thrilled to partner with Jacobs and NASA in the development of human spaceflight missions. With 20 years of experience supporting NASA, Emergent is pleased to offer our expertise in advanced Guidance, Navigation & Control algorithms and technologies to these exciting space missions,” commented Jaime Kline, Emergent’s Director of Technical Services.