Emergent uses digital engineering extensively in its design, development, integration and test processes, particularly for satellite autonomy flight software. This spans from Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for requirements and concept of operations development to model based engineering (MBE) for the development of software and the operation of spacecraft using software digital twins.

We use MBSE tools such as Cameo Systems Modeler for requirements development, system design, and as inputs for our Fractl code generation pipeline.​

We employ high-fidelity, physics-based MBE of flight software for networked autonomous systems using our Ascent modeling and simulation tool. Ascent employs state of the art force, measurement and reference frame modeling and uses OpenFrames for world-class visualization space systems.​

Software-, Processor- and Hardware-in-the-Loop (SIL/PIL/HIL) testing enabled Ascent and managed by our Summit CI/CD tool provides comprehensive pre-launch verification and validation of software.

We can scale testing of flight software digital twins deployed in the cloud or with Live Virtual Constructive demonstrations using flight processor analogs in our TBD testbed.