Emergent provides technical services in the fields of orbital mechanics, astrodynamics, and trajectory design and optimization for a wide range of applications, from spacecraft mission design to space situational awareness. We are experts in the tools, techniques, and algorithms used in modern astrodynamics and can implement them with a variety of software applications, from ground-based analysis and design to real-time, onboard flight code. We use several cutting-edge mission design and analysis tools, including NASA GSFC’s General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) and Orbit Determination Toolbox (ODTBX), NASA JSC’s Copernicus trajectory design and optimization system, and AGI’s STK/Astrogator, and can readily customize solutions around these tools for our customers. Our research into 3D visualizations further enables us to use never-before-seen trajectory design techniques, such as visual interactive trajectory design, in novel environments including the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive consumer virtual reality headsets.